Hi – I’m Chris Hardie. I live and work in Richmond, Indiana.
I have started and run a small business here, volunteered for a variety of local not-for-profits, run for elected office, improved historic buildings and generally spent a lot of time and energy trying to make it a better place.
I already have a blog and personal website over at ChrisHardie.com. I’ve written a lot there about life in Richmond, Indiana (recently, Richmond’s Next Mayor), but I also write there about travel, gadgets, U.S. culture and politics, media and advertising, and various other topics that I’m interested in. I think that makes that site less engaging for those primarily interested in my writing about Richmond, and I also think it makes me less likely to write about Richmond topics in a focused way there.
So, I’m going to try out a site that’s dedicated to commentary on life in Richmond, Indiana. Okay, I might throw in some stuff applicable to the broader region, but always as it relates to the local community.
I’ll try to keep these reflections brief and to the point. Sometimes I’ll just link to stuff that others are writing. Sometimes my ideas might be half-formed. My goal is not to have everything figured out, just to keep the conversation going.
I hope you’ll be a part of it.
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