As a part of creating my site that tracks local news headlines and related info, I have an automatically-gathered historical record of the daily COVID-19 data updates published by Reid Health. I thought it would be interesting to visualize that information to see how we’re doing over time.
Here’s the trend of lab-confirmed positive cases along with the number of patients in containment areas:

I see an uptick in patients in containment areas as of today, and a general trend of growth in positive cases after that line was flat for a while…hopefully nothing to worry about.
Here is the same information, but with total tests submitted added in to the mix:

This is based on the information published by Reid Health on a mostly-daily basis on their website, but any errors are mine.
You can see the underlying spreadsheet and individual daily counts here.
Because Reid doesn’t publish the data in a structured way, I’ve created a JSON feed of the latest numbers that is automatically updated on a regular basis from their website. If you’d like to build your own visualization or reporting tools with the data, feel free to query it.
Natalie Wise
Thanks for organizing the information.
Sayward Salazar
It seems like folks did not social distance over Easter….